San Joaquin Assault Defense Lawyer
Assault charges bring with them the possibility of jail sentences and steep fines. Convictions mean a criminal record that can hinder future efforts to pursue employment, housing, and can make the sentencing for future convictions more severe. What defendants facing these charges need most is a San Joaquin assault defense lawyer who believes in them, and also understands how the system works.
For over a decade, Krueger Legal has been in the trenches of the criminal justice system. From our San Joaquin office, we serve all of Fresno County, and throughout Sacramento and Stanislaus counties.
Call today at (209) 565-0750 or reach out online. Free consultations and payment plans are available, so don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss your case.
What is Assault in California?
Under California Penal Code Section 240, assault is defined as an unlawful attempt to commit a violent injury upon another person.
There’s a common misperception that assault involves the act of physically striking another human being. That’s not necessarily the case. Assault can simply involve the credible threat of violence. Battery is when that threat extends into action.
Assault and battery can also be tied up with other offenses, notably sex crimes. It can involve the use of a deadly weapon. All of these circumstances, and more, go into what type of charges a District Attorney’s office may choose to file.
What are the Different Types of Assault?
There are several types of assault charges that could apply to your case, each carrying different penalties. Understanding these categories is essential when working with a San Joaquin assault lawyer to build your defense strategy.
- Simple Assault: Simple assault is defined under Penal Code Section 240 as the attempt to use force or violence against someone without causing injury. If convicted of simple assault, you may face misdemeanor charges, which can lead to up to six months in county jail and a fine of up to $1,000.
- Aggravated Assault: Aggravated assault involves the intentional use of force or violence against another person with the intent to cause serious harm or to commit a violent crime, such as robbery or sexual assault. Aggravated assault charges are more serious and can be charged as either a felony or a misdemeanor, depending on the circumstances of the case. Felony aggravated assault charges could result in several years in state prison, substantial fines, and other penalties.
- Assault with a Deadly Weapon: Assault with a deadly weapon occurs when a person uses any weapon that is likely to cause great bodily injury or death during the commission of the assault. This could include a firearm, knife, vehicle, or other dangerous objects. The penalties for assault with a deadly weapon are severe, and a conviction could result in prison time and significant fines.
- Assault on a Peace Officer or First Responder: Assault on a police officer, sheriff, firefighter, or emergency medical technician (EMT) is treated as a serious crime in California. These charges carry stricter penalties, including the possibility of felony convictions and longer prison sentences. A skilled San Joaquin assault attorney can help defend you against these charges by challenging the evidence and building a case in your favor.
- Domestic Violence Assault: When assault occurs within a domestic relationship, such as between spouses, partners, or cohabitating individuals, it is classified as domestic violence. Domestic violence assault charges can result in severe penalties, including restraining orders, mandatory counseling, and jail or prison time. If convicted, you may face long-term consequences affecting your family, career, and personal life.
Penalties for Assault Convictions in California
Some cases will be misdemeanor offenses. These are still serious and punishable by up to a year in prison. But felony charges are the most severe. When they involve violent crimes and other serious offenses, they can count as a “strike” in California law. Once a defendant gets their third strike, they are subjected to prison terms of 25 years to life, even if the individual crime would normally be sentenced at far less than that.
Misdemeanor Assault Penalties
If charged with misdemeanor assault, you may face up to six months in county jail and a fine of up to $1,000. You may also be placed on probation, ordered to attend anger management classes, or required to pay restitution to the victim.
Felony Assault Penalties
Felony assault charges carry more severe penalties, including state prison sentences ranging from 1 to 4 years or more, depending on the circumstances. In addition to prison time, you may face substantial fines, probation, restitution to the victim, and a permanent criminal record.
Put our San Joaquin assault defense attorney on your side by calling (209) 565-0750 or by filling out our online contact form today.
Defenses Against Assault Charges in California

"Thanks to Phil, the truth was revealed, and justice was realized."
- G.W.