San Joaquin Violent Crimes Defense Attorney
Violent crime charges are always serious. They always put a defendant under the microscope of a prosecutor, who may be feeling public pressure to get a conviction—any conviction. And state law in California can make the sentences for these crimes more severe than in other parts of the country. An experienced San Joaquin violent crimes lawyer is there to fight hard to protect the rights of the defendant and work towards their acquittal.
For over a decade, Krueger Legal has been in the trenches of the criminal justice system. From our San Joaquin office, we serve all of Fresno County, and throughout Sacramento and Stanislaus counties. We offer free consultations and payment plans.
Call today at (209) 565-0750 or reach out online and let’s meet to discuss your case.
Understanding Violent Crimes in California
Violent crimes are defined as anything which either causes direct bodily harm to the alleged victim, or put that victim in reasonable fear that such harm was imminent. Crimes involving a deadly weapon can also be considered violent.
These crimes can include felony offenses, such as murder. They may include sex crimes, like rape. Assault is another example of a violent crime. Section 667.5 of the California Penal Code provides a complete list of offenses that prosecutors may consider as violent crime.
The distinction of a crime as violent is no small thing. The state of California uses “Three Strikes” rules in sentencing. In the event a person is convicted of three or more serious felonies—of which violent crimes apply—there are considerable sentencing enhancements that judges are bound by. Namely, the “third strike” requires a sentence of at least 25 years in prison and puts a life sentence on the table.
Consider the implications of Three Strikes sentencing—a person convicted of robbery generally faces a maximum sentence of 9 years in prison, presuming there are no other aggravating circumstances. But if this same robbery conviction is the third offense, the maximum sentence suddenly becomes life imprisonment, with a minimum of 25 years. The fact Three Strikes rules bind the judges to these guidelines further limits the ability of a lawyer to work for reducing sentencing.
All of which makes fighting for acquittal or reduced charges, particularly on the first or second offenses, even more important.
Put our San Joaquin violent crimes attorney on your side by calling (209) 565-0750 or by filling out our online contact form today.

"Thanks to Phil, the truth was revealed, and justice was realized."
- G.W.